Sunday, May 3, 2009

Pantsy that!

After patiently waiting for some time, Lady Luck was on my side and I finally received my $900 stimulus package from the Government on Friday.

I gleefully promised I would spend it as advised by Mr Rudd... so being a sensible and good little girl I paid off some of my credit card debt and then
naturally... I went out on a SHOPPING SPREE!!!

But of course I wanted to help stimulate the economy by supporting those struggling fellow Australians - so I hit the Glebe Markets ( for the first time.

The market was absolutely amazing! I am tres jealous of miss maria who lives basically across the road where the markets are held!

I picked up about 10 items of clothing as well as a few presents for my mother, my bfs mother as well as the cutest elephant necklace for my sister as a good luck present for her HSC for all under $150!

But my prized purchase of the day definitely has to be my new Stellino ( hammer/harlem pants - made of a gorgeous crepe with this fabulous button detail on the side I was absolutely ecstatic! Although I did pay $50 for it - it was totally worth as I probably would not have found them for any less else where especially with that kind of quality!

I also bought a pale pink caplet for a tiny $10 from local designer Magdalena Duma ( which just looks so classic and makes me feel as if I'm channeling some Miss Catherine from Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights.

Amazingly I still have a bit of money left - So I'm saving it for a rainy day, but I am curious to what everyone who received the extra money has done with it.

So Miss L is asking...

What have you done with your $900 government stimulus package?
or if you had an extra $900 - how would you spend it?

We would love to know so please leave us all the fancy things you've done in the comment section below!

Til next time,

Miss L


Jennifer said...

I spent my rudd money on random splurge items!
I bought a white holga135 online :) - quite pleased with my buy :)
umm.. then splurged on some items of clothing im sure will be necessary in the new future .. ! so.. bought myself a few new bags, pair of boots, llama pin and an animal looking winter hat - which i think is incredibly cute!
Also spent the remaining on my rent, grocery shopping, eating out and before I knew it, I gave back generously to our beloved country :).
So a big pat on the back for me, I believe, I've done my country proud.
xx Miss J

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