I just walked home in thick rain, my uniform drenched from head to toe and it came to me- winter has prematurely arrived (well at least for a day), in silent reflection I mused over my wardrobe- in there messily arranged are royal reds, greens, navy’s, shades of purples and of course staple black and white pieces… I wondered. What good are they?

* the beautiful photographs Miss L showed me the night before-
the tutu inspired dress with a red military waist coat:

I also remembered the April ‘09 vogue cover and fell in love with the Bally peachy ruffle top! Seems like ruffles are making a fast come-back from the past to celebrate Spring 2009!

(apologies for the photos... slight formatting issue... for the entire collection visit:http://content.coutorture.com/2068337)
....I love ruffles! And I recently received a ruffled dress as a present. The dress is Lisa Ho $699 rrp, and the gorgeous green/grey shade of it gives it a dark wintery feel, ala the dark gothicesque feel of Ricardo Tisci meets the peachiness of ruffles. I love Lisa Ho! …
I guess I’ll be hunting for a military jacket pretty soon… After all the future is looking rosy ...
Yours Truly,
Miss C
lovely blog!! ill be coming back here alot :)
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