The movie features the lovely Audrey Tautou as the legendary designer Coco Chanel...
"Chanel, above all else, is a style. Fashion, you see, goes out of fashion. Style, never"
- Coco Chanel (not YSL or Jun Daly Watkins)... it was Chanel
- Coco Chanel (not YSL or Jun Daly Watkins)... it was Chanel
The release date for America and Australia still, sadly remains unknown. However in France it was set to be released on the 22nd April. The film pays homage to the enigmatic and influential Chanel- famous for popularizing the LBD, Chanel No.5 perfume (though i prefer madamoiselle), the tweed suit- classic femme tailoring and a style exemplified by pure elegance and simplicity.
Having perused several forums searching for the Australian release date, plenty of people have questioned the talent and 'look' of Audrey to play such an iconic figure in the world of fashion. I admit she has some shoes to fill, however i am more than optimistic and excited to watch her performance- and as Miss L was saying her role is being played by a french actress speaking the french tongue adding a sincere potrayal to the roots and rise of Coco Chanel.
Reading a brief biography on Chanel months ago in Marie Claire- her commitment and dedication to her designs where unparalled-
"But the moment I had to choose between the man I loved and my dresses, I chose the dresses. Work has always been a kind of drug for me, even if I sometimes wonder what Chanel would have been without the men in my life" - Chanel
Ironically i loved that quote, so looking the for the same one online- i stumbled across the article i read in the Marie Claire Magazine.
Having perused several forums searching for the Australian release date, plenty of people have questioned the talent and 'look' of Audrey to play such an iconic figure in the world of fashion. I admit she has some shoes to fill, however i am more than optimistic and excited to watch her performance- and as Miss L was saying her role is being played by a french actress speaking the french tongue adding a sincere potrayal to the roots and rise of Coco Chanel.
Reading a brief biography on Chanel months ago in Marie Claire- her commitment and dedication to her designs where unparalled-
"But the moment I had to choose between the man I loved and my dresses, I chose the dresses. Work has always been a kind of drug for me, even if I sometimes wonder what Chanel would have been without the men in my life" - Chanel
Ironically i loved that quote, so looking the for the same one online- i stumbled across the article i read in the Marie Claire Magazine.
Loving Chanel,
Miss C.
p.s know the Aust. release date? let us know at
25th of june!!
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