Lucky me! I've finally finished those dreaded end of semester exams and can now put my feet up and do nothing! ahhhh bliiiissssss!?
No sadly, its bliss gone sour! Now I have that panging guilt riddled all through my head and don't tell me you have no idea what I'm talking about! The thoughts of failure due to lack of attention whilst studying; which I can barely recall as studying... moreso cramming everything on those boring little slides that don't tell you quite enough just the night before the 9am exam the next morning.
If you've finished exams and feeling alike, join the club but if you haven't - here are the things I would have done and some tips that helped me cram...
- Study in the quiet/slience area of the library
- If you feel like nothings sticking - get up, walk around and get some fresh air; totally helps to clear the head
- Write a quick study plan - jot down the lecture and tutorial content you need to get through and then break them up and allocate them to a specific day
- Don't think about after the exams - its hard not to but it's really distracting and really contributes to the procastinating
- If you're strapped for time and you've left study til the very last minute - read the case studies and focus on those dot points in the lecture focus/overview (usually second slide)
- Take a bottle of water with you but don't bring snacks - they'll just help you panic
- Leave the laptop at home!
I'm sure when my man reads this, he will laugh his ass off in disbelief! Nonetheless I will be partying on cheap happy hour cockatils with the girls from work this friday night yaaaay!
Study Hard!
Miss L
p.s. Miss C wont be back til the 21st of June :(
wishing her all the best for her exams!
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