I do ardently love a beautifully put together and thoughtful magazine...And yes I am one of those crazy magazine subscribers who will write impatient emails to the magazine subscription company that organises her subscriptions if they do not arrive in her letter box on the said release date...
So when my RUSSH magazine did not come on the said day this month - as my RUSSH calendar said it would... naturally I panicked!
My mind flashed to the thought that perhaps my subscription had ceased! But I was sure Miss Phillip who had purchased it for my 21st birthday (god bless his cotton socks!), had lovingly purchased a 24 month subscription! Shifting through my old emails was such a pain but alas yes - a 24 month subscription was in place and so i decided to take action and email!
And like an IT problem... when I finally recieved word that i should have it by the end on the week... it was sitting in my mail box waiting for me =(
After all that trouble, RUSSH May/June 09 was no disappointment - a clean simple but strong cover had me feeling a slight romanticism from the gorgeous autumn colours mixed with the beautiful Constance Jablonski! I honestly do not want to ruin the experience by spoiling this magazine as you really do need to purchase it at your local newsagncy or at least flick through it to see what I mean!
Bi-monthly - makes RUSSH a recession friendy magazine! So don't be the only sour cherry on the fruit stand and check out one of my most loved magazines! Love,Miss Lx
p.s. I FINALLY managed to grab a hold of Issue #9 of Lula Magazine (S/S 09) featuring Chanel Iman on the cover - I was lucky enough to have the nicest guy from Boarder's set it aside for me! Thank you Cameron from Chatswood Boarder's!!! You are really the sweetest!